God’s Word encourages us to bring all our hopes, dreams, and desires to the Lord in prayer with grateful hearts. Whether you’re feeling downcast or overjoyed, our community is here to help bear your burdens and celebrate your praises with you. Simply fill out the form below to submit a prayer request and to receive notifications when someone has indicated they’ve prayed for your request.
If you would like someone from In Touch to pray with you personally, call us at 1-800-323-3747.
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Please keep in mind that this is a public prayer forum. You remain solely responsible for the content of your prayer requests and are agreeing to indemnify and hold harmless In Touch Ministries with respect to any claim based upon the transmission and posting of your prayer requests.
In Touch Ministries and this prayer wall are not adequate substitutes for personal counseling. If you feel you do need counseling, please contact your local Christian counseling service or call or text the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988.
Select “Amen” to let others know (anonymously) that you have prayed for that specific request. If you would like someone from In Touch to pray with you personally, call us at 1-800-323-3747.
Please pray for my daughter who has been hurt by my family not wanting her to come into their home, God would heal her pain and bring her closer to me, she would not pull away.
Need breakthrough.
Come with great power, oh God and rescue Christians around the globe. Violent people are attacking us. Defend us with your might. In Jesus’ name I pray.
My prayer request is for my daughter Stephanie and my daughter Johanna single moms and they’re doing things on their own taking care of their homes and I pray for total total complete financial finances come through for them. I pray for healing in every area of their lives, and I just pray that God will open up doors for them in the upcoming month my daughters waiting on her finances to be released from For taxes Please let the Lord will be done and it will be more than enough that she Help her
My contractual job was gone in Dec 2024 and haven't found employment. I'm in faith but also realistic with payments coming and funds are running low. Sometimes I feel lost, or wanting to stop so I decided to change careers from public health to business administration. Im not sure the path in heading but I need help from God in a FT job that covers all payments, and understand the purpose of this new career. I'm in a new place that feels strange and wish I had my job again that I miss. It's hard
Please pray that I find a new job that I am valued at and am happy at. One that has good health benefits ,pay,and full-time with weekends off. I would like to be able to attend church with my family.
Good morning my prayer request is the stud. My brother has cancer and I just like total completely healing for him and over his body. I would also like prayer for my family to bring healing the restoration to me and my daughters and have a healthy relationship and that they will come together as sistersfellowship and to love one another and also for my digestive system and has been going crazy and also praying for I need a bridge in my mouth and these devices are charging way too much So please
God Bless my brothers and sisters in Christ
and thanks be to God for all my blessings
Please pray fory wife who is battling MS
My daughter who is tired and trying to find her faith
May everyone here be blessed and know you are loved
In Jesus name
I repent of my sins. Please pray with me in divine love. Dear God and Lord Jesus, thank you for all things. Prayers for my physical&mental healing &my future health tests&Dr visits are perfect &my health continues to improve. Prayers for Miss Bessies health &her future health will improve & Drs, Family&Friends & all in need, for safe&loving days. Prayers for cures, Love &Peace on earth, that more believe & have faith in you, our God I love you, power of the Holy Spirit and In Jesus name AMEN
Please pray for The Lord to Heal and Protect My Wife, Children, Grandchildren and Parents.
Father, please restore my health after battling alcohol. I’m sober now, but I want to be healthy like I was a few months ago please God please restore my health and help me to repent and help me to do your will in Jesus name we pray amen.
Needed to move to healthier place. Found a new place and only going to be able to make it there by the grace of God. New landlord is now stalling signing the lease. Current landlord already signed a lease with another tenant. Stepped out in faith. Praying for God's hand in moving this along (4/1) with granting peace and comfort removing all anxiety and blocks.
Lord, we thank you for reveling to us that a future for SL & MP is nothing more than a hollow set of numbers and that your blessing is found elsewhere. Thank you for your Word and light!
Good Morning/Afternoon Prayer Partner! This is to ask you to stand in agreement with me concerning my enemies and the enemies of my household; for, Salvation and needs to be met; for, their budget to be destroyed disabling them so they can't kill, steal or destroy; enabling the kingdom of God to move and to continue to move forward in my life and the life of my family; Matthew 5:44, Matthew 9:38, Matthew 7:7-8, John 16:24, John 14:14, Luke 11:10, John 15:9 and 1 John 5:14-15 in Jesus name, Ame
I’ve recently been divorced, please pray for me, my children haven’t spoken to me in 2 years
I miss them so much
Thank you
Please pray for my son Brett to have a spiritual birth and be delivered knowing Jesus and repenting. Also my son Luke to be transformed by a genuine encounter with Jesus. That they would love Him with their lives & live for Him. Thank you
Please pray that my upcoming cataract surgeries go well. I'm nervous, anxious and scared. I hold on to my fsith. Please sleep s o pray for my sister that she finds peace on her home and make the right decision about moving. Please bless my friend Javier that his finances get better and he has all his rent money. Please bless him that Noone takes advs6of him and let his faith in God continue to grow. Thank you and God bless.
Please pray for me and my husband and my 2 kids. Please pray for God's protection from the enemy's attacks. Also please pray for great faith for me and my husband Jason, and for strength and victory in the name of Jesus against the devils schemes. I want to walk boldly and courageously in Jesus name, and only fear God and not men.
Thank you all for prayers. May God be with you and meet your needs and bless you in Jesus might and powerful name!! Amen!!
Pray for protection around me, my husband, & our marriage. Pray for all curses to be broken on him, me, & our marriage. Pray we have no miscommunication or strife between us. Pray he desires me & no one else. Pray all contact is broken between him & certain evil, toxic people. Pray he loses desire for the drugs & quits them completely. Pray the Lord gives my him & me both wisdom & discernment. Pray the Lord reveals things to my husband & the lies he’s getting told.
My friend’s mom has Stage 4 pancreatic cancer that has spread to the liver. This has been sudden and unexpected. Please pray for healing and for the family. Her name is Janice is Midland, Texas.
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