God’s Word encourages us to bring all our hopes, dreams, and desires to the Lord in prayer with grateful hearts. Whether you’re feeling downcast or overjoyed, our community is here to help bear your burdens and celebrate your praises with you. Simply fill out the form below to submit a prayer request and to receive notifications when someone has indicated they’ve prayed for your request.
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In Touch Ministries and this prayer wall are not adequate substitutes for personal counseling. If you feel you do need counseling, please contact your local Christian counseling service or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.
Select “Amen” to let others know (anonymously) that you have prayed for that specific request. If you would like someone from In Touch to pray with you personally, call us at 800-789-1473.
Hi, please pray for my wife and I will show love to someone today. Healing for my wife.
I pray for my husband to understand that all I want in our marriage is him, I'm blessed to have good financial choices and blessed with what I have. His interest is TV, or sleeping. I try to let him know that this marriage is in trouble and that he is losing time with me. I'm beginning to lose heart, I try to tell him this but he says he is sorry and will do better, his health isn't helping either. Things for him are much worse than anyone else's. God please help me to just let you handle this.
Say a prayer for my wife Samantha, one of her tooth’s is giving her trouble and part of the tooth fell out. Please pray for strength and wisdom and a peace that can cover her during this trial she is going through. Please pray for her to be in good spirits and lift her up and for God to create a miracle for her and our family.
open window from HEAVEN, pouring out an abundant financial MIRACULOUS BLESSING; for alms, aid, offerings, tithes; to rebuild/repair my house;
Is the wait a blessing? I am tired of waiting. Tired of the Ups and Downs of hoping, believing God will do something for me. Repeating his promises daily; telling my family that everything will be ok; that God is with us and He will help us. Faith is shaking. Will you not help me? Sustain me? Are you forsaking me? What about your promises? Are they empty? Help.
Continue prayers for Zack and Beasley families about Mother's health and recovery. Salvation for my family and asking for prayers for my vision having seeing spots..I have Eye Appointment Monday afternoon pray this is not major just minor fix. Deliverance from David Astin get his life together.
I am 77 years old, having thyroid problems due to treatments for breast cancer by one of the immunotherapy medications. I have all the negative symptoms, such as fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, depression... i just can't function and get back to normalcy. I have major house problems, a 47 year old daughter wirh mental issues and unemployed for some time. I don't know what to do. I have been praying, but I don't hear from.God. I don't want to go ahead of Him. What should I do? This is so hard on me
Last night at work I made a med error. I am a nurse. There was no patient harm as far as I know. I did report it to my Supervisor. Please pray I won't get written up and if I do I will know where to go from there. Thank you!
3 things needed for our prayers to be answered,!! The W.O.F. (HIS Will,OBEDIENCE and FAITH) (His will)Lords prayer, Thy Will Be Done! Luke 6:46,Eph1: (all)/ According to His will mentioned over and over and over Again / Obedience 1 Samuel 15 read vs 1-24 (22)!! please read in your Bibles, 1) Gods will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. God allows Pain to Correct disobedience. Read John 5:1-(14)15/ Keep means Obey, John 14:15, Faith, Romans 5:1,Justified by faith, Heb 11:6, James 2: 20-26!!
I lost my job recently bit it's a union position. Please pray that I get it back asap and for a financial blessing.
Please pray for my strength to let go & let God repair and restore my relationship. Please ask God to let us heal from our past & do the work in us to prepare for our futures
I request that God will finally heal me of a 50 year old illness. A neurological movement disorder called dystonia so that my shoulder replacement will heal properly. In Jesus name. I love you Lord.
Please pray for relief & healing of sciatic back pain for Mary a Christian . She can not get sleep.
Please pray for protection for Cynthia in her job.
Please pray for Bill who was aid off from his job to be able to obtain unemployment benefits.Thank you.
I am an Uber Eats bike delivery driver in Charleston, South Carolina and I am believing God for lots of deliveries and tips today in the name of Jesus Christ.
Please pray for my family health.
Please pray for my 18 and 21 yrs old sons to get closers to God , To hate the worldly life and to surrender to God, also pray for my older son girlfriend so they can stop living in fornication and get married. They are believers.
Thank you
i have lost my college ring and i need to find it.
Please pray that My husband decides to come to church with me and the kids on Sundays.
• My husband chooses to follow god and grow stronger In his faith, commit to having a relationship with god.
•That he chooses to put god at the forefront of our marriage and want to work on building a stronger relationship.
• More peace and joy in our household, less arguing and negativity.
•More praying with the kids and lifting them up and teaching them about god. That we both agree to do this together.
Hi I’m Kenya I’m asking for prayer that God provides an apartment for me, i dnt have good credit but I have a voucher God opened that door, I left a toxic relationship and live with my fam in a small apartment it’s 7 of us so it’s hard I’m 25.i also that I love myself I truly have become insecure. I don’t wanna keep making the same mistakes
Please pray for my family .. That God will bring us more peace ..
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