Let Us Pray for You

God’s Word encourages us to bring all our hopes, dreams, and desires to the Lord in prayer with grateful hearts. Whether you’re feeling downcast or overjoyed, our community is here to help bear your burdens and celebrate your praises with you. Simply fill out the form below to submit a prayer request and to receive notifications when someone has indicated they’ve prayed for your request.

If you would like someone from In Touch to pray with you personally, call us at 800-789-1473.

Prayer Wall Policy

All prayer requests submitted to In Touch Ministries are reviewed and moderated within 24 hours and will be removed from the prayer wall after two weeks. In Touch is under no obligation to post prayer requests on the prayer wall, and we reserve the right to remove them at any time without notice.

Please keep in mind that this is a public prayer forum. You remain solely responsible for the content of your prayer requests and are agreeing to indemnify and hold harmless In Touch Ministries with respect to any claim based upon the transmission and posting of your prayer requests.

In Touch Ministries and this prayer wall are not adequate substitutes for personal counseling. If you feel you do need counseling, please contact your local Christian counseling service or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.

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In Touch Prayer Wall

Select “Amen” to let others know (anonymously) that you have prayed for that specific request. If you would like someone from In Touch to pray with you personally, call us at 800-789-1473.

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This request has been prayed for 11 times



A bad situation has came up with my grandchild, a miracle is needed and needed asap because this situation is just not right and out of my hands. Please pray that the right thing be done swiftly so that my grandchild will be where they need to be.

Received: January 26, 2025

This request has been prayed for 11 times



Please pray for my son Dustin to be delivered from a drug addiction and that God will send someone across his path that can lead him to the Lord for deliverance once and for all. The drugs have caused him to lose everything. I don’t know how much longer I can deal with the stress of this. I told him that if he wants to continue to live with me then he is going have to get help but I really don’t think he is going try to get help.

Received: January 26, 2025

This request has been prayed for 8 times



Please pray for no pain, for joy, strength in every area of my life; I hear God clearly; am able to spend more time in His holy word; obey Him 100% joyfully, thankfully; I have the mind of Christ, not the spirit of fear, but of a peace that passes all understanding, and of love, all for the rest of my life; for 8-12 hrs of sweet peaceful sleep w/o meds. Please pray I can understand and enjoy the sermon and music at church. Thank You!!

Received: January 26, 2025

This request has been prayed for 9 times


Regina Neal

Good Evening,

I work for Target Corp., and every year, after the holiday season, they severely cut my hours. And this year is no exception. Matter of fact, it’s the year that I got the most hours cut. I can’t survive-financially-on the hours they gave me for this week and next. PLEASE pray for and with me that, LORD willing, they will give me my hours back. I work the night shift there (Mon., Thurs., Fri. (5:00p to 11:00p) and Saturday (10:00a to 5:00p). Thank you so much for your prayers!

Received: January 26, 2025

This request has been prayed for 9 times



For 15 years, I have sought to use my skill set in some capacity for Christ's Kingdom. However, despite my qualifications, I have never been hired for any real job and feel as though I am simply condemned to a life of failure and embarrassment.

As I spend time with the Lord each day, I pray that He would teach me to love Him just for Himself and not for anything that I get out of it. My heart is shattered, but please pray that I continue to trust Him above all as well as for my miracle.

Received: January 26, 2025

This request has been prayed for 9 times


Misty MacPherson

Please pray for me I am sick and got a blood clot in my leg and my cousin Leroy got Nemonia and my cousin ugine is getting a pacemaker but in in surgery tomorrow please help my family

Received: January 26, 2025

This request has been prayed for 11 times



I need prayer because I fell into drinking alcohol, smoking marijuana and tobacco yesterday. I have been feeling bad, confused and need God's help. I was doing good for a little while but I ask for the saint's to pray for me and may God richly bless those who pray for others. Thanks

Received: January 26, 2025

This request has been prayed for 10 times



Please pray for my family. We need a financial breakthrough. We were unable to send our children to school last week because of lack of money.

Received: January 26, 2025

This request has been prayed for 10 times



Please pray for my husband's healing and deliverance of his back, he has excruciating pain from his discs the doctor says he needs surgery and I'm begging GOD to please heal him that he will not need any surgery I'm a nervous wreck, please GOD hear my prayer, I ask to please forgive my weak faith I should be trusting JESUS and not worry please pray for me too, have mercy and compassion on my husband LORD that the doctor will tell us that he doesn't need surgery GOD BLESS YOU THANK YOU

Received: January 26, 2025

This request has been prayed for 10 times



Please pray for our daughter Kaley, that she will return to the Lord and our family.

Thank you!

Received: January 26, 2025

This request has been prayed for 10 times



Please pray for an easy and stress free move to Illinois. With a new job in a great environment that pays well, new home and vehicle. Peace and complete healing in my body. Joy and happiness for me and my family. Peace in this world.

Received: January 26, 2025

This request has been prayed for 9 times



I truly believe with all my heart our Father in Heaven hears us when two or more are gathered. Prayer family please pray for a family member named Adriana she had a stoke ,she’s young with a family and grandchildren.As of right now she is in ICU.

Received: January 26, 2025

This request has been prayed for 9 times



I humbly ask for prayer during this extended time of difficult testing. Kindly pray that I receive patience, discernment, and ultimate victory over the forces of evil. This is coming very intensely and from multiple fronts. I believe God is teaching/preparing me for something, but I'm being ground up pretty badly now. Thank you all prayer warriors!

Received: January 26, 2025

This request has been prayed for 9 times



I'm seeking God for the ability to speak God's word in large, congratulation without fear. I'm asking God to bring scriptures to my remembrance in the time of need. Furthermore, I'm also seeking God for direction and understanding, and clarity.

Received: January 26, 2025

This request has been prayed for 9 times


Deborah Egbers

Please pray that my husband, Tom, is able to realize the false doctrines/practices of the Catholic Faith. We have been attending a bible based church with no "pomp and circumstance", but basic study and preaching of the Word. He has never been encouraged to study the Bible on his own and is not interested in doing so. Thank you!

Received: January 26, 2025

This request has been prayed for 9 times


Jennifer Biggs

That the lord will have mercy on me and heal my mind body and soul they say that my muscles are getting weak my private part is infected real bad but they can't fix it but I know that the Father the son and the holy spirit hears me and know that I truly need them AMEN

Received: January 26, 2025

This request has been prayed for 8 times


Kimberly Martin

Pray for the cats that I was feeding at the old house that I moved out of a couple of weeks ago. They belong to the neighbors they had all their shots and they were spayed and neutered the neighbor said taking them years before they told me and I tried to bring these cats to the new house but they would not even come in the car if you could pray for at least neighbors to be responsible to take care of all of these cats. For protection over them that they will not be neglected or abused and the

Received: January 26, 2025

This request has been prayed for 10 times


David Morris

Son, Brian, have reconstructive shoulder surgery Monday due to extensive damage. Please pray for complete success, protection from infection and favor in all aspects of his medical care.

Received: January 26, 2025

This request has been prayed for 9 times



Please pray for.my daughter to be free of Huntingtons Disease she is getting worse,please don't let her die.Let the angels and the Holy spirit watch over her. Also, Please pray for my friend Gina who has left her abuser to make a better life for herself. Pleas Lord make her strong so she will not take a step back. She is tired a d weak from helping others in her job. Amen

Received: January 26, 2025

This request has been prayed for 8 times



Please pray for Kris. He has personal struggles, but also does not believe that everything written in the Bible is true. He believes some things and in God, but feels the Bible is written by man and the words should be taken with a grain of salt.

Please pray that God opens his eyes and gives me the strength to be a good witness for him.

Thank you.

Received: January 26, 2025

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