Let Us Pray for You

God’s Word encourages us to bring all our hopes, dreams, and desires to the Lord in prayer with grateful hearts. Whether you’re feeling downcast or overjoyed, our community is here to help bear your burdens and celebrate your praises with you. Simply fill out the form below to submit a prayer request and to receive notifications when someone has indicated they’ve prayed for your request.

If you would like someone from In Touch to pray with you personally, call us at 800-789-1473.

Prayer Wall Policy

All prayer requests submitted to In Touch Ministries are reviewed and moderated within 24 hours and will be removed from the prayer wall after two weeks. In Touch is under no obligation to post prayer requests on the prayer wall, and we reserve the right to remove them at any time without notice.

Please keep in mind that this is a public prayer forum. You remain solely responsible for the content of your prayer requests and are agreeing to indemnify and hold harmless In Touch Ministries with respect to any claim based upon the transmission and posting of your prayer requests.

In Touch Ministries and this prayer wall are not adequate substitutes for personal counseling. If you feel you do need counseling, please contact your local Christian counseling service or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.

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In Touch Prayer Wall

Select “Amen” to let others know (anonymously) that you have prayed for that specific request. If you would like someone from In Touch to pray with you personally, call us at 800-789-1473.

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This request has been prayed for 17 times



I have some unspoken prayers.

Received: September 12, 2024

This request has been prayed for 16 times



praise to You Lord Jesus Christ. praying for thanksgiving fir You and to You. praying for forgiveness and heart to forgive others. praying for my darling husband virgilio to come back to me according to Your will. praying for healing of mind body and spirit for me and my family, healthy living good health guidance safety, peace and comfort . praying for successful surgery for my mother, for my brother’s to be safe. in Christ Jesus name the Almighty father, i pray all these, Amen

Received: September 12, 2024

This request has been prayed for 20 times


Mary Ann

My family is under heavy spiritual attack. It’s affecting us mentally, emotionally, and physically. We know God is in control but we are so tired in every way. We’re just worn and need God to intervene to bring this to an end. Please pray for us to persevere. We need God’s strength, wisdom, protection, and provision.

Received: September 12, 2024

This request has been prayed for 20 times


Verna Netto

I am asking prayer for my daughter

She is saved, she needs a home for herself and her children.

I am asking for prayer for her renewed faith in Gods promises

for her to find a Church, a family of God to be faithful in all ways to grow in the Lord. In Jesus name Amen

Received: September 12, 2024

This request has been prayed for 20 times



I am requesting prayers for my former colleague and associate, Andrew who recently was not offered a full time role with a company he has been working with. Please pray for an employment opportunity to open up for Andrew. Pray for his basic needs and more to be met during this time of transition. Pray for his mental and physical well-being as well to be in tact.

Received: September 12, 2024

This request has been prayed for 17 times



Please pray that I am delivered from demons and that God would just DO something and set me free and establish my heart and mind in Christ Jesus once and for all.


Received: September 12, 2024

This request has been prayed for 18 times


Joelle Beaudouin

Hello my name is Joelle Beaudouin I need prayer because I need peace in my life and my mother life my mother’s mom pass away on April 4 2024 without any warnings she just die with out saying goodbye it leave a hole in my heart and I don’t know want to do but be angry I don’t want to be angry because I know where that can lead to anxiety and depression which I have now I can’t focus or sleep because of not having peace in my life I don’t think I can be on fire for god until I have peace

Received: September 12, 2024

This request has been prayed for 19 times



Repentance and permanently change

To choose Jesus Christ

To hear from God

To get the answers from God that I need right now



Received: September 12, 2024

This request has been prayed for 18 times


Sherri Zimmerman

Pleas pray for my 88yo mom as she goes through radiation therapy for breast cancer, my husband as he battles getting control of his diabetes, the three grandchildren I am raising that God will help them overcome the emotional scars of their past, and lastly me for wisdom, guidance, and strength I need to balance caring for all of them. Thank you so much! I know there’s power in prayer!

Received: September 12, 2024

This request has been prayed for 18 times



Please help me lead a prayer of serious repentance and change. I want my heart to be filled again with the spirit of God, and for the lies and voice of the enemy to be silent.

Received: September 12, 2024

This request has been prayed for 18 times




Praise the LORD for answered prayers:

1) My daughter got successfully hired at a prison.

2) My son will not require knee surgery

3) My health insurance will pay for home delivered meals for 4 weeks after hospitalization and surgery.


Thanks for your prayers!

Received: September 12, 2024

This request has been prayed for 17 times



Thank You Heavenly Father, for guiding James to make the decision to have the operation. Thank You for guiding the surgeon hands and bring James through the spinal surgery safely. I’m praying that You help him have patience, thankfulness, and graduated to the ones taking care of him while he’s healing. I’m so very Thankful for Jesus Christ being with me while I waited and for being with my son through the operation. Thank You Jesus Christ!!!!!!!

All Glory to God!!!!!!!

Received: September 11, 2024

This request has been prayed for 17 times



My dad thinks he is about to be laid off. A new company bought who he worked for out. Please pray that the transition goes smoothly and he does not lose his job. But if it's God's will, he will find something even better. Thank you.

Received: September 11, 2024

This request has been prayed for 16 times



Please pray for my husband laser eye surgery.

Received: September 11, 2024

This request has been prayed for 17 times



My daughter Terilynn has unforgivneness toward me. And our relationship is strained. Please pray for us to be healed. Thank you .

Received: September 11, 2024

This request has been prayed for 17 times



Lord Jesus, thank you for healing my son a little at a time but more, and more everyday. We trust in You and know without a doubt that You are the Healer and our Lord and Savior. I pray for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing for my entire family including my "lost sheep" and for you and yours. Have Faith, Trust in Him, and never ever doubt. He is always with you.

"Ask, and it will be given to you; Seek, and you will find; Knock, and it will be opened to you".

Matthew 7:7

Received: September 11, 2024

This request has been prayed for 17 times



Please pray for no pain, for joy, strength in every area of my life; I hear God clearly; am able to spend more time in His holy word; obey Him 100% joyfully, thankfully; I have the mind of Christ, not the spirit of fear, but of a peace that passes all understanding, and of love, all for the rest of my life; for 8-12 hrs of sweet peaceful sleep w/o meds. Please pray that I can both ride in the car and remain at volunteer activities longer, without anxiety. Thank You!!

Received: September 11, 2024

This request has been prayed for 16 times


Beverly Schmader

Sheena a young wife & mother with inoperable brain tumor, seizures. Please prayer for her & all the family & medical for knowledge & wisdom of God’s presence & will, to be known & felt. Thank you Jesus!

Received: September 11, 2024

This request has been prayed for 14 times



Pray that God will keep motivating, giving energy, wisdom and knowledge to get her college work completed with high grades. She is burnt out and wants to have this course finished with passing grades. She needs to bring up her GPA it’s low.

Received: September 11, 2024

This request has been prayed for 15 times



Please pray that God opens up another door for me. I am seeking a job

Received: September 11, 2024

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