Let Us Pray for You

God’s Word encourages us to bring all our hopes, dreams, and desires to the Lord in prayer with grateful hearts. Whether you’re feeling downcast or overjoyed, our community is here to help bear your burdens and celebrate your praises with you. Simply fill out the form below to submit a prayer request and to receive notifications when someone has indicated they’ve prayed for your request.

If you would like someone from In Touch to pray with you personally, call us at 800-789-1473.

Prayer Wall Policy

All prayer requests submitted to In Touch Ministries are reviewed and moderated within 24 hours and will be removed from the prayer wall after two weeks. In Touch is under no obligation to post prayer requests on the prayer wall, and we reserve the right to remove them at any time without notice.

Please keep in mind that this is a public prayer forum. You remain solely responsible for the content of your prayer requests and are agreeing to indemnify and hold harmless In Touch Ministries with respect to any claim based upon the transmission and posting of your prayer requests.

In Touch Ministries and this prayer wall are not adequate substitutes for personal counseling. If you feel you do need counseling, please contact your local Christian counseling service or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.

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In Touch Prayer Wall

Select “Amen” to let others know (anonymously) that you have prayed for that specific request. If you would like someone from In Touch to pray with you personally, call us at 800-789-1473.

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This request has been prayed for 8 times



Prayers for my sons family. His stepson is on the autism spectrum and is having behavioral difficulties and they are trying to get him more help. He is currently in the emergency room. It is causing tension and worry for his Mom and the three other children in the home. Praying he can be placed in a good facility. Emotions are running high. Thank you.

Received: March 7, 2025

This request has been prayed for 8 times



For Nora to be comfortable in preschool and protection from evil influences, danger, and harm .

Healing for Austin’s bad knees; and honest/good clients for his business.

For Sami to do well in her new job in a new city. May God send believers into her life.

For family members to become Christ followers one day soon.

Received: March 7, 2025

This request has been prayed for 5 times



Please pray that my son would have the opportunity to speak with the hiring person at the Virginia event. Please pray for favor.

Please pray for my son to have events schedule for the month of May.

Received: March 7, 2025

This request has been prayed for 5 times


Lavonna Grimes

Pray for my son keeps this job or finds a better one, that he finishes school and is Successful in all of his endeavors that aligns with God’s will.

Received: March 7, 2025

This request has been prayed for 4 times



Please pray for my son to have opportunity to speak with the hiring person at the Virginia event.

Please pray for my son to have events schedule for the month of May.

Received: March 7, 2025

This request has been prayed for 5 times



Please pray for my job that my job security will not be threated, thst I can manage the intense stress of my job, so as not to endanger my hralth. Please pray for my spiritual heal/ restoration. Salvation of loved ones. Thank you

Received: March 7, 2025

This request has been prayed for 5 times


Pat Gerace

Our SIL Elliott success has been looking for employment for 9 months with no success. Please pray for a job offer as soon as possible.

Received: March 7, 2025

This request has been prayed for 6 times


Pat Gerace

Please help Elliot find a job. He is a good hard working man with 5 children who has been looking for 9 months with no success.

Received: March 7, 2025

This request has been prayed for 6 times



Please pray for me that I can find the the job that God wants me to have very soon. One that I will do well at and it will provide a good income. I am currently living on savings which is running out and am an older person so things seem stacked against me. I know God provides but doubt keeps creeping in as time feels like it’s running out. Please pray that I will have a deeper relationship with Jesus and surrender everything that is hindering my walk with Jesus to Him.

Received: March 7, 2025

This request has been prayed for 6 times



Urgent please pray for Salvation for my unsaved family members and for protection for my family and our pets and friends and for healing for my family and our pets and our friends thank you

Received: March 7, 2025

This request has been prayed for 5 times


RFobdert Gerace

My son-in-law has been searching for employment for the past nine months. His secerance ends the beginning of June. Please pray for success for him soon.

Received: March 7, 2025

This request has been prayed for 3 times



Please pray for no pain, for joy, strength in every area of my life; I hear God clearly; am able to spend more time in His holy word; obey Him 100% joyfully, thankfully; I have the mind of Christ, not the spirit of fear, but of a peace that passes all understanding, and of love, all for the rest of my life; for 8-12 hrs of sweet peaceful sleep w/o meds. Please pray I can understand and enjoy the sermon and music at church. Please pray that I can ride in the car with less anxiety. Thank You!!

Received: March 7, 2025

This request has been prayed for 5 times



Please pray for my son he has a really bad tooth infection that has went into his gum. He is in a lot of pain. I PRAY for tge Lord to Please touch him. In the name of Jeaus Amen

Received: March 7, 2025

This request has been prayed for 7 times



Please pray that God will heal both my eyes that have styes.

Received: March 7, 2025

This request has been prayed for 6 times



I am in need of a prayer cover for the next 30 days please. I am facing various attacks from enemies of the Lord. Please pray that everything goes well without any complications and/or problems as I maneuver through some very difficult tasks. Thank you so much.

Sincerely yours:


Received: March 7, 2025

This request has been prayed for 5 times



Pray, that God will help me with food addiction stop over eating and to stay hydrated. For my finances a job I'm so poor that I can't afford essential items are groceries. When I get stressed, hurt, are board that I want turn to food.

Received: March 7, 2025

This request has been prayed for 5 times



Pray for my son.

God give him strength and have grace & mercy on him as he face Trail with the court system.

God intervene take control of the situation. Be a vessel Lord

We know you are a God of miracles. We love you Jesus.

Received: March 7, 2025

This request has been prayed for 5 times



I’m going to be an infidel, joke, unworthy of respect if You don’t bless me now Father. How can I live, provide in general without the Blessing and blessing I petition and sowed for? Time is of the essence for us mortals Lord. You alone are immortal. Bless me now and my investments indeed. In Jesus name.

Received: March 7, 2025

This request has been prayed for 5 times



Father God of my born again salvation, please remember my mom, Norma, my sisters, Angel, Venus, Starr, and Devon AND ALL MY OTHER LOVED ONES. I Am that I Am, You know all things.

Received: March 7, 2025

This request has been prayed for 5 times



Brothers and sisters

Help me pray . We have our property on the market almost a month . Since a week there are not but one SHOWING. Please help us pray. We have everything packed, we are 74 and 76 . No income . My daughter/ husband pay the mortgage back monthly bills so it would not go to foreclosure and we would be able to sell it . Please help us pray . God would sell it at a reasonable price . God bless you

Received: March 7, 2025

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