Let Us Pray for You

God’s Word encourages us to bring all our hopes, dreams, and desires to the Lord in prayer with grateful hearts. Whether you’re feeling downcast or overjoyed, our community is here to help bear your burdens and celebrate your praises with you. Simply fill out the form below to submit a prayer request and to receive notifications when someone has indicated they’ve prayed for your request.

If you would like someone from In Touch to pray with you personally, call us at 800-789-1473.

Prayer Wall Policy

All prayer requests submitted to In Touch Ministries are reviewed and moderated within 24 hours and will be removed from the prayer wall after two weeks. In Touch is under no obligation to post prayer requests on the prayer wall, and we reserve the right to remove them at any time without notice.

Please keep in mind that this is a public prayer forum. You remain solely responsible for the content of your prayer requests and are agreeing to indemnify and hold harmless In Touch Ministries with respect to any claim based upon the transmission and posting of your prayer requests.

In Touch Ministries and this prayer wall are not adequate substitutes for personal counseling. If you feel you do need counseling, please contact your local Christian counseling service or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.

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In Touch Prayer Wall

Select “Amen” to let others know (anonymously) that you have prayed for that specific request. If you would like someone from In Touch to pray with you personally, call us at 800-789-1473.

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This request has been prayed for 10 times


Chirag Arora

Pray that Sunil's property sell for a good price quickly, and Sunil and Bharti get blessed and give their lives to Jesus Christ

Received: September 14, 2024

This request has been prayed for 12 times



My mom has cancer

Please pray that she recovers fully


that news would spread of her healing to encourage others that they can heal

Thank you!

Received: September 14, 2024

This request has been prayed for 11 times



Husband having heart cath Monday, daughter’s developing relationship with Muslim - praying for his salvation, youngest daughter in midst of adopting foster child and his mother has shown back up after over a year and changed her mind.

Received: September 14, 2024

This request has been prayed for 8 times



Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ. i am grateful for You and to You. praying for forgiveness of sins and hearts to forgive others. praying for my darling husband virgilio and i to be reunited. all things are possible with You and i have faith that You will send him back to me from heaven. praying for successful and safe surgery for my mother on Friday, for my brother to find You and seek You, salvation healing for my whole family, good health guidance, safety and stronger faith in You. Amen

Received: September 14, 2024

This request has been prayed for 10 times



I have, most of my life, been heavier than normal, as I do enjoy to eat, and sadly, overeat! I need to work off about 25 - 40 lbs. over the next year, however, I'm comfortable with loosing 5 -11 lbs., and then gaining it back. It's sinful, and I confess that. Pray for the discipline and a mindset to "remember" why I'm working off the weight. I find food a comfort and celebrate small accomplishments with food, like paydays or swimming 3000 yards a day, that's a sinful stronghold. Thank you.

Received: September 14, 2024

This request has been prayed for 10 times



Dear prayer warriors asking for healing from sinus infection coughing sneezing n bad body aches. Am wiped out n need strength n energy to do my job today gotta work 9-2. God bless you all n love you.

Received: September 14, 2024

This request has been prayed for 9 times



I would like a prayer on behalf of my brother's, they are struggling with addiction to alcohol. Also pray for the men in prisons all around the world that they might have someone share the gospel of Christ with them and become saved by our Lord. Pray for the leaders of this country and the morality of the people of this world.. Let all pray be pursued according to God's will and not our own.. Thank you..

Received: September 14, 2024

This request has been prayed for 10 times



I need special prayers for my daughter. She has got herself involved in things that I don’t think she knows how to get herself out of, she should know by now that I don’t judge I’m not critical. I don’t criticize, I just love her unconditionally. I’ve tried to be both mother and father to her since the age of eight and I’m doing my bestto hope that God has her and he’s watching over her and he’s guiding her to become a better person and strive to have a better life. This is caused me so much ang

Received: September 14, 2024

This request has been prayed for 8 times



i trust you jesus thank you 101.5 total victory today and tomorrow all for Jesus thank you

Received: September 14, 2024

This request has been prayed for 10 times


Sandra Culbertson

Please pray that I will have a good day. I have been struggling with my depression all week. I am still battling with trying to overcome my fear of failing. I know God will help me through all these problems.

Received: September 14, 2024

This request has been prayed for 9 times



Please pray for my mom, Ernestine, to be healed. She is hospitalized with heart problems. Please pray for strength, rest, and peace for my dad and me.

Received: September 14, 2024

This request has been prayed for 10 times


Lynnaya S Freeman

Prayer for my granddaughter and daughter for the healing of their eyes where glaucoma and a disease has been diagnosed over them

Received: September 14, 2024

This request has been prayed for 11 times



I lost my job because of a misunderstanding. I'm 83 and need to make extra to pay my bills. I would have been with the company 11 years in Oct.

Received: September 14, 2024

This request has been prayed for 9 times


Shaun Smiley

That God be with my neighbor as her daughter has to go through Hospice Care. Uplift the whole family as they are going through this and God cover them with your Holy Spirit.

Received: September 14, 2024

This request has been prayed for 9 times


Stacey R Flournoy

My friend Tamara who has just had surgery, for healing, no infections, strength.

My mom and family for the loss of her mom and my grandma

Friend Liz with lung issues

Received: September 14, 2024

This request has been prayed for 10 times



I need prayers for my job. My job is so unbearable. I need the Lord’s help with all the complicated people that I have to deal with. The last couple of months have been the worst ever. I trust that Jesus will help me. Please pray for me. Thank you

Received: September 14, 2024

This request has been prayed for 12 times



Please pray for me as I have 2 forms of cancer. I have recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer and I have a rare blood cancer that I have had for several years. I trust that the Lord will heal me. I know he is the great physician. He is my Lord and Savior. Thank you!

Received: September 14, 2024

This request has been prayed for 38 times



Urgent, urgent, URGENT prayers needed. In need of a miracle... I am in desperate need of a job. I ask for prayers that I get one of the jobs I interviewed for. I am in desperate need. I ask god to give me a second chance. I realize now how I have messed up my life in the past. I ask he mend my ways. In Jesus name, Amen.

Received: September 14, 2024

This request has been prayed for 33 times



Peace,physical,emotional and mental healing. Restoration of broken relationships with my prodigals.

God will draw my daughters and husband to himself.

Received: September 14, 2024

This request has been prayed for 24 times


Jocelyn Dubbs

Please pray that I find a new remote federal or corporate job soon and also that my best friend Zell find a new home for him real soon to live that our offer will be accepted would best suit him and the home will be in a good community for him.

Received: September 14, 2024

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