Let Us Pray for You

God’s Word encourages us to bring all our hopes, dreams, and desires to the Lord in prayer with grateful hearts. Whether you’re feeling downcast or overjoyed, our community is here to help bear your burdens and celebrate your praises with you. Simply fill out the form below to submit a prayer request and to receive notifications when someone has indicated they’ve prayed for your request.

If you would like someone from In Touch to pray with you personally, call us at 800-789-1473.

Prayer Wall Policy

All prayer requests submitted to In Touch Ministries are reviewed and moderated within 24 hours and will be removed from the prayer wall after two weeks. In Touch is under no obligation to post prayer requests on the prayer wall, and we reserve the right to remove them at any time without notice.

Please keep in mind that this is a public prayer forum. You remain solely responsible for the content of your prayer requests and are agreeing to indemnify and hold harmless In Touch Ministries with respect to any claim based upon the transmission and posting of your prayer requests.

In Touch Ministries and this prayer wall are not adequate substitutes for personal counseling. If you feel you do need counseling, please contact your local Christian counseling service or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.

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In Touch Prayer Wall

Select “Amen” to let others know (anonymously) that you have prayed for that specific request. If you would like someone from In Touch to pray with you personally, call us at 800-789-1473.

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This request has been prayed for 30 times



Healing for bad allergies

Received: September 18, 2024

This request has been prayed for 27 times



Asking for prayer to be able to walk good I injured my left hip am In great pain n have to work 8-2 today pray for great grace n healing n relief from pain. Thank you and God bless you.

Received: September 18, 2024

This request has been prayed for 19 times


denise gunville

i thank you jesus I trust you I believe I am right with you Victory with you jesus thank you total healing Willing obedience total trust in Jesus heart of Mary thank you toby mom steve everyone I believe help my unbelief

Received: September 18, 2024

This request has been prayed for 16 times


Pramod Kasare

Demonic Spirit who oppress the body of Mr. Pramod Santosh Kasare be consume in the fire of Holy Spirit. Please Pray for him.

Received: September 18, 2024

This request has been prayed for 26 times



My family is facing something very scary today, (especially my 18yr old son Dante). Please lift us up in prayer. Thank you.

Received: September 18, 2024

This request has been prayed for 26 times


Christine Boyden

Please pray for our marriage and home. Our home needs repair and restoration and we need help to do those repairs. Pray that we find marriage counseling .

I feel so overwhelmed with our home falling apart.

Received: September 18, 2024

This request has been prayed for 19 times



Pray for sick young old and that I forgive those that hurt because I don’t want to hate. Peace for those who need. And that I can respect the space and rest others need for peace and civil life. For those who do not want to promise their auto, heat, energy without asking first so that some of their family life is not at work. Please provide a honest work to pay my work. That I can respect people on the climb in life daily. Thank you Jesus help me find peace through the struggle daily and monthly

Received: September 18, 2024

This request has been prayed for 32 times



Please pray for me to receive a way out of this evil motel today. Evil people and illegal activities are all around me. I am old ,tired crippled and alone. 10 months of this is destroying me. God may have a plan for me but I dont see it. I need rescuing and clear instructions and directions. My fear is clouding my thinking. I just want to come out of this mess triumphant for God's glory but how long?

Received: September 18, 2024

This request has been prayed for 24 times


David & Wregly

OVERSEAS, SLEEP EARLY ON WEEKENDS: Had to do online church last two weeks due to inability to fall asleep until 5AM. Am usually up until 5AM Mon-Fri and hard to fall asleep Sat and Sun normal time like 10AM. Please help me sleep early on weekends so I can attend church, in Jesus' Name

NEED TO WORK: Expecting a Child (at 57) -- NEED to Return to Work. I NEED God to open the right door for a remote appointment setting position that pays base salary plus commission or comparable, in Jesus' Name

Received: September 18, 2024

This request has been prayed for 21 times



Please pray that my business picks up and I get new clients booking in. Thank you

Received: September 18, 2024

This request has been prayed for 14 times


Joshua Buraczewski

Jesus and yahweh help donald become president again so it helps all the other damn countries around the world eventually because the democrats are fake

Received: September 18, 2024

This request has been prayed for 26 times



My heart rate is slow however when I walk, it gets a little high. I’m in the hospital and will have a treadmill test. Please pray for God‘s healing upon me and for peace for my wife, son and daughter, as well as myself.

Received: September 18, 2024

This request has been prayed for 23 times



Please pray for my 24 year old brothers healing. From a tumor in his head, from AS, from arthritis, from a lot of pain. He’s struggling with depression and side effects from meds and we’re getting really worried about him. Pray for wisdom to show us what he should be taking and doing to help him and not make him worse. Please pray that he gets around people and gets into God’s Word and doesn’t back away from it all.

Received: September 18, 2024

This request has been prayed for 23 times



Please pray for my mom. The surgeon cut many nerves in her leg and now she is unable to walk. She has difficulty doing everything. The surgeon never told her she would have this happen to her. My mom cannot even stand up, walk, get out of a car etc.

She has a high risk for falls because half of her lower body doesn't work.

Please pray for restoration of what that surgeon did in the operating room. My mom is so badly damaged, it seems like a tremendous miracle must take place.

Received: September 18, 2024

This request has been prayed for 17 times



Father God Jesus Christ, i praise You and grateful for all that You are. praying for my darling husband to come back to me. praying for my mo’s surgery to be successful and safe on friday, praying for richard to seek You and find You.praying for healing of mind body and spirit, salvation guidance safety, stronger faith in You forgiveness of sins for my whole family. i surrender my life to You. in the name of Christ Jesus the Almighty Father, i pray all these, Amen.

Received: September 18, 2024

This request has been prayed for 17 times



Pray for my husband's narcissistic spirit to be broken.praying our pastor really sees my husband's abusive attitude & to hold him accountable. I feel as if the church is failing me when I need their love& spiritual support the most . by speaking up that I'm abused , it's caused our pastor to view it as my fault.

My husband & I are on 2 different spiritual levels. Pray for his soul he haslust issues & publicly shows that he doesn't honor me as his wife by saying he is single online . Divorce??

Received: September 17, 2024

This request has been prayed for 21 times



Prayers that God helps me deal with my weight and financial issues.

Received: September 17, 2024

This request has been prayed for 22 times


Rozella Durham

Please pray for me to receive a kidney and to have the will power to stop smoking so I can be put on the list

Received: September 17, 2024

This request has been prayed for 15 times



Dear lord please forgive my sins I m asking for forgiveness I’m still lying and using drugs and alcohol and cigarettes please help my family and friends and children and grandchildren please help me in my home and bills and groceries and my unless me with understanding look over Joann and Joyce Joann my freind and the girl upstairs and her baby and my brothers and sisters I Jesus Christ name amen

Received: September 17, 2024

This request has been prayed for 18 times



Please pray for the healing of my husband's eyes.

Received: September 17, 2024

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